Hawaiian sunset - day renewal
A Writer's Life

A 2018 Renewal — Welcome to the Revamped AZ Pascoe!

Welcome, welcome, one and all, to my 2018 renewal project, my revamped blog!

I recently decided it was high time I learnt something about Search Engine Optimisation and, while that may be a post for another time, in amongst learning about all of that, and dealing with some of my issues about blogging in general (check out ‘Creative Discouragement: The How and the Why’ if you want to read about my woes), I decided it was time for a blog renewal. Time for a bit of rebirth.

For close to two years, my previous blog theme and layout has served me relatively well… But as a good friend (Nik Eveleigh—check him out) of mine pointed out, it needed to be better organised. A little more intuitive to get around, for a better user experience: interestingly enough, one of the things I’d already been contemplating as a result of delving into the world of SEO. Add in my despondency about how this blog was going, and it was the perfect storm for change. This is part of my (ongoing) solution to these problems. And best of all, I’m actually excited about my blog right now. I’m really pumped to debut this new and (I think!) more streamlined and functional look, to keep playing around to make my blog easier to read, to navigate and to interact with, and to continue to make those improvements which will serve me well into the future.

I hope you like them too!




  • Nik

    Looks great Ana! And thanks for the plug – very glad I was of some use to you 🙂 I will look forward to picking up some tips from you going forward as I have no doubt you’ll be a far greater expert on all things SEO than I’ll ever be in a very short period of time…!

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