My 2017 in Non-Fiction
Since I managed to spit out a ‘My Year in Fiction’ post last week, i thought it might be a good idea to create ‘My Year in Non-Fiction’ and, voila, here it is! To my shame, I didn’t read quite as many nonfiction books as I did fiction last year (I’m endeavouring to read more nonfiction this year, especially since I have a biography to write!), so I don’t have twelve to share. Instead, I thought I’d share just three of the six or so that I read—in part because I’m in Hawaii and I’m lazy and not overly keen to write a billion-word blog post, but also because there…
Social Media Constructions: Figuring Out What Works for You
So, it’s time for a heavy Monday post. Rather than becoming self-explanatory, it seems to me like the subject of this post is one that is only becoming more pertinent to us all as time goes by, and our world is increasingly digitised. So buckle in, I’m about to get kinda deep here. It seems sometimes that the universe (read: social media) is full of information on what we should and shouldn’t be doing: personally and professionally, physically and mentally… There’s a never-ending list of how we should be, and therefore ways in which we fall short, or don’t conform, or aren’t good enough. Maybe that’s a little cynical, but…
The Responsibility of Privilege
The current theme seems to be a heavy/thoughtful post Mondays, so I thought I’d keep it going for a while longer. I’ve been cogitating on this post for some time now, and the more I read about other people’s thoughts, the more I think about it myself, the more I found myself driven to comment on it. In light of the events happening around the world (including those particularly in our faces here in the US), it can be overwhelming to consider the pain humans can inflict on their fellow human beings. It can be so overwhelming, in fact, that it would easier not to think about it at all. And…
Aussie Expats Update – What This Weekend Taught Us
Happy Monday everyone!! I know I was remiss in not posting last Friday, but… Well, that happens sometimes. I don’t know how many of you are active on Twitter, but I’m sure most people (in the US, and maybe outside of the US as well? If you’re able to avoid hearing about the US election campaign, I truly envy you and the beautiful life you must lead) heard about the repulsive comments revealed to have been made by Donald Trump in 2005. Thank god for video footage, right? Enriching all our lives. Anyway, if you’re not on Twitter (seriously, it’s pretty great most of the time!), then you may not…
A Wednesday Full of Thoughts
I’m so full of thoughts at the moment that I’m writing three different blog posts about it all simultaneously. One document I’ve got open has four separate ideas going on within it, each trying to wriggle their way out of my head, onto the page and into full realisation while I’m just trying to keep my eyes from crossing. It’s kind of confusing. Mind you, that’s still no comparison to the three-ring circus that’s going on inside my head. So the easiest way is to just start. I really feel right now that there are so many things going on in our world that deserve our time and attention, yet…