A Writer's Life
Writers… Should You be Reading More?
There’s really no doubt reading is an important part of being a writer. Take five minutes to google ‘writer’ and ‘reading’ in almost any combination, and you’ll be inundated with support for that statement. (And our guest writer, Jennifer Worrell, reminded us of it yesterday, too!) So, on the basis of that assessment, the answer is (probably) yes. Of course, our reading metrics vary (My 2018 in Non-fiction is testament to this!), but it seems safe to say: we can always aim for more. But reading more can be a big ask: between working, families, friends, hobbies–and, of course, writing–there aren’t a lot of free hours in the day. Add…
Writerly Wednesday with Jennifer Worrell!
I’m really excited to feature another writer friend of mine on AZ Pascoe today: Jennifer Worrell! Like Claudia, Jennifer is an online writing friend and is also published in the awesome Scribes Divided anthology, Dread Naught But Time. Please send through a warm virtual welcome for the one, the only, Jennifer Worrell! 1. Hi Jennifer and thanks for joining us! We’d love to know a little bit more about you before we get down to the nitty gritty of writing-type things… So, give us the goss on you! Where are you from, what do you do for work, and what are some of your interests (outside of writing, of course!)? …
Ideas… & Where to Find Them
Finding ideas tends to be something writers and other artists think about a lot. Why? Because it doesn’t take much imagination to realise that ideas are any creative’s bread and butter. Want to paint something? Write something? Carve, sculpt, knit, cast, or compose something? You need a starting point: that’s just common sense. So it’s not surprising, then, that in almost every author interview you stumble across, someone has asked the big question. ‘Where do your ideas come from?’ (Let me give you a hint: they’re not in a treasure chest or underneath that really promising-looking rock.) So, what’s your point? Tell us where ideas come from! It is, at…
Writerly Wednesday with Claudia Wair!
Welcome to our first, more formal, edition of Writerly Wednesdays: featuring an interview with the incredible Claudia Wair! Whenever & wherever I can, I’ll be getting in touch with fellow writers and authors of differing experience levels. If you’ve enjoyed the recent editions of #WriterlyWednesday (see on my Facebook Author page here), I think I can safely promise that you’ll love this new format. The questions I’m asking here are some I’ve come up by a variety of methods (*cough* the internet *cough*) that I thought might be interesting… But if there’s anything you’d like to know about our guest writers, comment below & I’ll be sure to chase up…
Professional Writing Organisations: What’s the go with Those?
For a start, what do I mean when I say, ‘join a professional writing organisation’? Do I mean a writing group (in my mind, a different beast)? What deems an organisation professional? What makes it worthwhile spending the money to be a part of one? If you’re not sure whether joining a writer’s group/writing centre/all permutations thereof is the right step for you, you’ve come to the right (or ‘write’?) place! Read on for my analysis of all the little things that might influence your decision… And at the end, I’ll provide a list of places you might want to follow or join! When is it time for me to…
Goal Setting & Conquering Mountains
Goal setting sometimes feels like one of those things everyone says you should do, and everyone else seems to be doing, but also kind of feels like more of a pain in the arse than its worth. Yeah… my hand is firmly in the air right now. Even when I’ve got a lot of stuff going on, I’ve never really felt like I was a goal setting/intention laying kind of person. Why? Well I think I suffer from ‘planning paralysis’. Historically, it’s always cropped up when I’m trying to plot ahead in a novel (a painful affliction) and it has caused me to struggle with the idea of goal setting…
My 2018 in Fiction
What amazing #fiction did I #read in 2018? Click to find out, and maybe get some new options for your 2019 'to read' list!
My 2018 in Non-Fiction
I really enjoyed the opportunity to share my 2017 in Non-Fiction, enough that I decided it worth repeating for 2018! So, my 2018 in reading… where to begin?! I had some pipe dream about getting this non-fiction post up right before New Years, or, at the latest, on the first Friday of 2019… But we got kittens. So, here we are! One of my big goals for 2018 was to read more nonfiction, and though 11 out of 65 total books isn’t really that many, it’s still an improvement over 6 out of 88 in 2017. So there’s that. Plus, I’m part way through two non-fiction books at the moment,…
Learning Through Writing – 10 Things that 100 Days of Writing Taught Me
If you’ve followed me for a while, you probably know AZ Pascoe and writing go together like peanut butter and jam (or jelly, for any Americans). Well, at least in my mind they do. Historically, I’ve gone through periods of significant productivity, and periods of… well, not a lot of productivity, which seems to applies to a lot of writers. And I decided that I wanted to try and address that. The Plan The long and short of it is: in the past, I wrote sometimes—though typically not as many times as I’d like, or feel like I should—and other times, I really didn’t write much at all. I would go through…
Your Greatest Untapped Resource for Goal Achievement
Arraying Resources for Goal Fulfilment It goes without saying that if you have a goal, you need to gather the resources necessary to achieve it. If you want to get stronger, you need to spend time in the gym. Depending on your starting point and your end goal, you may also need to hire a trainer, ensure you have the appropriate clothing and footwear, and possibly even invest in some of your own equipment. Each of these actions demonstrates a resource that you’re harnessing to achieve the goal you’ve set yourself All of this seems fairly obvious. To get where we want to go, we need to ensure we have…