American Adventures

Aussie Expats Update – Uni Break and another 2017 Bulletin!

Happy Friday everyone!

Well, James and I are currently hoofing (great word, right?) our way from Lawton up to OKC. We’re collecting his eldest sister, Amy, tonight and then James has a 20km race tomorrow. Yuck! Well, I mean, he’s looking forward to it, so I guess that’s all that matters. Ahem. I can’t believe I’m in love with a man who likes to run 20km races for fun. Good god.

Anyway, I’m on uni break. Finally! Despite a bit of a kerfuffle on my way to Oklahoma City Community College on Tuesday—our debit cards have been scammed, which is just awesome—I managed to get in and smash out my 120 multiple choice questions with some degree of competence. Multiple choice is such a great way to have an exam, but I’m pretty glad that I have no exams at all next semester (only about eight assessments of 2000 words each).

Exeunt, pursued by a bear.

That’s pretty much what it looked like when I bailed from the exam. Well, there was no bear… But I am pretty glad to see the end of this particular Trimester. Why, I’m not altogether sure, though it could just have something to do with the fact that I was studying over Christmas. Regardless, I have about a month off before starting the next one, which promises to be far busier and at least partially undertaken during our thrilling American road trip! I do so love a challenge. Still, I’m really looking forward to my upcoming courses, which are all English and Writing ones: I have about 23 books total to read across four subjects, so that promises to help me reach my reading goals for the year! Needless to say, that’s one of the things on my to-do list for uni break… Plus novel editing, short story writing, road trip planning, etc. etc. etc. I’ve also decided to plunge myself into sorting out some lapsing admin, like scanning and filing of documents, organising my desk drawers, and deciding that I wanted to sell our old iPhones, and some of my textbooks from last Trimester. Maybe doing so through Facebook wasn’t my best idea (though in my defence, it looked promising at the start!). About 5 days in, multiple interested parties and still no sold phones. Luckily, I’m stubborn, and I really want to make some cash off those damn things.

Clearly I like to live for excitement and the casual adrenaline rush, because I’d completely forgotten about signing up to do the next iteration of Fiction War—Winter, 2017. The prompt was released about 30 minutes ago. Fortunately the internet reminded me and I’ve realised that although I specifically signed up because I knew I’d be done with uni, I didn’t factor in our weekend trip. Oops. Speaking of, better go and do some brainstorming about that!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I’m looking forward to sharing some OKC highlights, some photos and some tales of adventure and daring next week!

— Ana.


  • tmezpoetry

    Had to catch up here. When I try to access your site through the reader it just shows that you have no new posts (which obviously isn’t true). Good luck on the new courses (without exams! yeahhhh) 🙂


      Hey Tammy! Haven’t seen you around in a while 🙂 Damn reader: I have that happen as well, and it always seems to be with my favourite people: what the heck, right? Thank you! Looking forward to getting over to you blog and reading some more of your work again soon 🙂

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