• Top half of the page, old style typewriter; bottom half, grey background with white text 'Why Bother? Persisting Despite the Odds in the Face of Impossible Goals'

    Why Bother Writing at All?

    If I was to pick something that’s a challenge—not just in writing, but in life more generally—it’d be the battle of ‘why bother’? Why bother going to the gym? Why bother having a blog, tweeting, running an author page, writing at all—let alone editing, submitting, (and getting rejected). Paying to attend conferences and events—why?  Because You Love It…?  Of course, the easy and accessible answer is that you love it. But I think it’s a little more complicated than that. After all, regardless of what we love (people, hobbies, favourite foods), that love can be a changeable, sometimes elusive beast. I mean… I don’t even love my cats all the time.…